Magnolias is a true aristocrat among the trees and shrubs. When in bloom, delight and inspire everyone wants to have at least one time in the garden. There's no denying that, and I too would want to ... ever ... (as I already have your garden)

"Magnolias appeared on Earth as one of the earliest flowering plants. Their fossils were found in pre-Tertiary rocks from 1936 to 1958 million years, so before the ice age! Huge magnolia forests, tulipanowców, miłorzębów ambrowców and circled the entire Arctic region. Subsequent glaciation destroyed it almost completely. These forests have survived only in the east of North America, China, Japan and Korea, where today there are clusters of nearly all existing species, 120-128 magnolia. Magnolia gave them the name of Linnaeus to commemorate the seventeenth-century French botanist Pierre Magnol.
Why we love them
# Cut. The parks and gardens are grown now spreading magnolia tree height of 8-15 meters or less 3-4-foot tree. In small gardens can accommodate only a dwarf variety only growing to 2 m
# Flowers. Grow singly on twigs, beautifully fragrant and are very impressive - from afar they look like tulips bloom on the tree. Their color depends on the species and cultivar. The majority has a pastel shade of pink, but there are also white, cream, and more recently grown even yellow. Construction of magnolia blossoms is very primitive. They do not have the division crown on the petals or calyx plot, in their case we are talking about tepalach, which are placed in two or more pieces okółkach at 3-6. Beetles pollinate them (when the type of Magnolia was built, there were still bees or butterflies). Magnolia flowers have no nectar, but only a sweet, nektaropodobną secretions.
# Doughnuts. Are formed in the autumn, are characteristically hairy and vary in size. Smaller is leaf and higher - bulky - they are buds of flowers.
capricious aristocrat
# When in bloom. Magnolias propagated from seed the first bloom until many years after planting. Early spring magnolia, magnolia particularly Japanese, tend to have a tendency to abundant flowering every second year.
# Location and soil. Many species and varieties of magnolia are susceptible to frost, and their flowers are often damaged by frost. Should therefore be planted in the quiet, sheltered from the wind sites, sun or semi-shade. Grow best in warmer areas of Polish, which is in Lower Silesia Pomerania and along the western border. Magnolias poorly tolerate drought, so you should plant them in fresh soil, fertile and humus with a pH of 5-6, the weaker the earth we must Season it with peat, compost or leaf soil. "
Source text: e-gardens
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