... moments, which we do not know ... somebody sang and much of the truth, surely :-) However it is also important here and now, because we live now, no longer yesterday and not tomorrow yet. It is Saturday, lazy Saturday, What do you mean this Saturday in his spare time, so you want me to stop by even for a moment, porozkoszować at the moment, the taste of a little black dress with a little milk and baked cakes kawałeczu hand. Do not think about it or go in the hip, and went, and could not go, after all, is just ka-wa-le-check great yogurt cake with strawberry jam ... The recipe for this pychotkę found in Liski

not believe this is just a piece, a little tiny, well, you look exactly:

for true disbelievers even a photo. Well, after the naked eye can see from the tulip is even greater. Plus so much in such a small piece of zdrowotoności. And yet these flavors and aromas, the palate mile irritant and chwlebnie raising endorphin levels in the bloodstream ... hmmm ...

conclusion: sometimes it is worth pausing and look at different things from another perspective, in the meantime :-)
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