Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Vertigo And Night Terrors

credit for the purchase of shares on the primary market in PKO SA

loan on the primary market

credit may be granted for the purchase of shares in the primary market for holders of investment accounts in the CDM, the Bank Pekao SA and CDM Pekao SA is the agent / sponsor issue or a participant in a consortium offering securities .

purchase of the shares must be made through Central Brokerage House of Pekao SA

Bank grants loan for a period of 6 miesięcy. Termin spłaty kredytu jest ustalany na ostatni dzień roboczy miesiąca, w którym upływa okres, na jaki został udzielony kredyt.

Wysokość kredytu:

stanowi wielokrotność 10 zł
minimalna - 10 000 zł
maksymalna – ustalana jest indywidualnie dla każdej edycji kredytu.
W celu otrzymania kredytu wnioskodawca:

składa w CDM dyspozycję zablokowania wkładu własnego na rachunku inwestycyjnym,
składa w jednostce Banku wniosek o udzielenie kredytu,
przedkłada w jednostce Banku do wglądu dowód osobisty lub kartę pobytu z wpisanym numerem PESEL oraz potwierdzenie dokonania POK CDM by blocking the investment account, specifying the value of their own contribution.
For each issue of shares, the purchase of which may be granted credit, Bank Pekao SA sets separately:

value of determining the maximum value of credit granted a credit line for own contribution limit factor
security interest
list of companies whose shares addition to the shares included in the WIG 20 index may contribute its own
rate interest loan, the commission
on the loan.
own contribution can be deposited into an investment account cash and / or securities: bonds, stocks of companies subject to the WIG-20 and shares of other companies mentioned in the communication of Bank Pekao SA as capable of providing security for a loan to buy shares in the primary market. Value of own contribution is calculated as the sum of the cash value of bonds and half of the shares.

The own contribution is calculated as the sum of:

banned in the investment account of the applicant:
100% cash
90% of the value of bonds
50% of the shares
100% of funds in the deposit of PLN,
80% of funds in the deposits in a currency other than PLN,
25% - 80% of the value of units in the case of funds, depending on the fund.
90% of the nominal value of treasury bills blocked.
details, contact phone numbers:
0 801 140 490 / / 0-22 / 591 1924 90th


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