Monday, April 27, 2009

Breast Buds Newborn Pic

In the review of what the film ...


Peter Markus
about what we do with the fish, once fish wypatroszymy

crowd. Peter Siwecki

We eat fish. Our mother fried fish in a metal frame, which is broken butter, fish fat zasmażony every time when the mother shifts, coated in breadcrumbs, fried, fish fillets to the pan. We sit at the kitchen table, and before us our empty plates. We sit and listen, like fried fish jumps, squeaks and sizzles. Until yesterday, the fish swam in the muddy waters of our muddy river and are now gutted, headless and cut in half and is about to be engulfed by our open mouths, our empty bellies. Our father is outside in the shed. Blade his knives. When all the fish are fried, and all will Panier złocistobrązowy and crisp, our mother would tell us, brethren, we shouted our father to come back and we ate the fish. Fish on the table, we say to our father. Come on, as long as they are tasty and hot. Our father is coming, when we, brethren, we cry. We, brethren, stand back and look at how our father leaves the muddy footsteps of our mother in the kitchen. Our mother, our father said, "See, what you've done. My father looked at his muddy boots and pronounce the word: mud. Our mother raise their hands and throws a pan full fried fish in our father. We look at how to fish from our river mud slide on the kitchen floor. Our father, our mother says that he and we, the sons and wypatroszyliśmy wyłowiliśmy the fish. Our mother, our father says that he knows what he can do with these fish. And then tells us how much he hates fish and fish smell, how much he hates this filthy, stinking fish of the river and this stinking city. To get out, our father responds. Our mother says that, perhaps, leave. Turn away from each other and go - our father back out, our to his mother and father of our bedroom. My brothers, we are alone with the fish. That we have to clean up. We fall down on all fours on the floor and begin to eat.

Peter Markus - author of three volumes of short stories : Good, Brother (AWOL Press, 2001; Calamari Press, 2006), The Moon Is a Lighthouse (New Michigan Press, 2003), and The Singing Fish (Calamari Press, 2005) and novel Bob, or Man on Boat (Dzanc Books). Published in magazines, including: Chicago Review, Denver Quarterly , Massachusetts Review, Black Warrior Review , 3rd Bed , Post Road, Sleeping Fish, 5_Trope , failbetter , taint , elimae and in the anthologies: New Sudden Fiction , Fiction Gallery , Sudden Stories, PP: FF, The Best of the Prose Poem. written about his work, including: Brian Evenson, Gary Lutz, Dan Beachy-Quick, Norman Lock, Michael C. Boyko.

All other texts, Peter Markus, and much more in the latest, "starry" issue "ed"! Recommended!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bearded Dragon Sleeping With Tongue Out

sight for sore eyes sight for sore eyes

Invitation To Inaguate The Death Anniversary

remembered Rugs SONIA MARIA
doblog: http: / /
I dazzled and so I want
share it with you friends who follow me

Word Press Milena Velba

Not much to talk

you like 'ed'? You care about, that was another number? Do you want to read any of the books attached to the letter? Or the new series "Gniazdowniki", which appeared to have tree roots Radek Wisniewski and Darek Pado? You want, really want?

And you can do something for us. First thing: run to Empik, living room or Kolporter Movement (or to shop at eBay poetry) and buy a "starry" number "ed." Thing Two: Allow the SZP (publisher) 1% tax. We do not really writing for myself. It's about your point.

it needed to be printed in PITcie see the flyer (click to enlarge):

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Kates Playground Vag Sets

Who made a friend, finds a treasure ...

met several friends in this amazing virtual world.

one of those friends is this wonderful country of Portugal which

gave us the language and who admired through books

This pretty girl is always visiting me in edeixando

recadinhos my pages, messages of optimism and

hopes to demonstrate all that is our sincere friend


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Gta Vc Unhandled Exception 0000005

"starry" is coming!

new issue of getting closer. Number nicely named by the editors call "starry" is devoted to a few American authors associate mainly with the avant-pop and stuckismem (though not exclusively). Some thematic prepared two Peters: Makowski and Siwecki.

In this issue include:

Doug Rice, Derek White
Peter Markus D. Harlan Wilson

Michael A. Arnzen
Jesse Richards Arielle Greenberg

and: Peter Siwecki, Stanislaw Makaski, Jacek Zebrowski, Michal Krawiel, Radek Pulkowski, Andrew Antoszek, Piotr Grudzinski, Mogwai, Maciej Wozniak, Tadeusz Skowronski, Martin Jurzysta, Bartosz Sadulski, Lukasz Jarosz, Pawel Sarna, Raphael Rozewicz, Olga Tomaszewska, Przemyslaw cat, Damian Gądek, Genowefa Jakubowska-Fijalkowska, Marcin Siwek, Richard Chłopek, Simon Kantorski, Catherine needed.

Besides the usual insert, which this time is a book of Alexandra Zbierski, Vibrant ear. About the book Zbierski writes on the fourth page of the cover series editor Richard Chłopek:

Vibrant ear, ear quivering, haunting resonance, wide open to every sound, rustling. Hence the literature of careful and penetrating, which allows you to explore the world again and again and again. It's as if your ear disconnected from each other and walk away - leave them in the midst of so many things still valid. What happens to us when we leave the ear? What happens to your ear? What's happening with the world - when transformed into a cornucopia of sounds, words, monologues, but also rests. Alexander Zbierska not reply to any of these questions. Only listening, always listening.

soon in this space with the number of editorial and a few short excerpts from the letter. Welcome here and Empików, showrooms and Kolporter TRAFFIC (and also to store the portal ). Soon on the shelves you will find that what you've been waiting for!