In the review of what the film ... ...
Peter Markus
about what we do with the fish, once fish wypatroszymy
crowd. Peter Siwecki
We eat fish. Our mother fried fish in a metal frame, which is broken butter, fish fat zasmażony every time when the mother shifts, coated in breadcrumbs, fried, fish fillets to the pan. We sit at the kitchen table, and before us our empty plates. We sit and listen, like fried fish jumps, squeaks and sizzles. Until yesterday, the fish swam in the muddy waters of our muddy river and are now gutted, headless and cut in half and is about to be engulfed by our open mouths, our empty bellies. Our father is outside in the shed. Blade his knives. When all the fish are fried, and all will Panier złocistobrązowy and crisp, our mother would tell us, brethren, we shouted our father to come back and we ate the fish. Fish on the table, we say to our father. Come on, as long as they are tasty and hot. Our father is coming, when we, brethren, we cry. We, brethren, stand back and look at how our father leaves the muddy footsteps of our mother in the kitchen. Our mother, our father said, "See, what you've done. My father looked at his muddy boots and pronounce the word: mud. Our mother raise their hands and throws a pan full fried fish in our father. We look at how to fish from our river mud slide on the kitchen floor. Our father, our mother says that he and we, the sons and wypatroszyliśmy wyłowiliśmy the fish. Our mother, our father says that he knows what he can do with these fish. And then tells us how much he hates fish and fish smell, how much he hates this filthy, stinking fish of the river and this stinking city. To get out, our father responds. Our mother says that, perhaps, leave. Turn away from each other and go - our father back out, our to his mother and father of our bedroom. My brothers, we are alone with the fish. That we have to clean up. We fall down on all fours on the floor and begin to eat.
Peter Markus - author of three volumes of short stories : Good, Brother (AWOL Press, 2001; Calamari Press, 2006), The Moon Is a Lighthouse (New Michigan Press, 2003), and The Singing Fish (Calamari Press, 2005) and novel Bob, or Man on Boat (Dzanc Books). Published in magazines, including: Chicago Review, Denver Quarterly , Massachusetts Review, Black Warrior Review , 3rd Bed , Post Road, Sleeping Fish, 5_Trope , failbetter , taint , elimae and in the anthologies: New Sudden Fiction , Fiction Gallery , Sudden Stories, PP: FF, The Best of the Prose Poem. written about his work, including: Brian Evenson, Gary Lutz, Dan Beachy-Quick, Norman Lock, Michael C. Boyko.
All other texts, Peter Markus, and much more in the latest, "starry" issue "ed"! Recommended!