What is "RED." What is "red-action" When the letter came into being, so laid the main idea:
literary journal, "Red." is addressed to readers who, by virtue of residence (small and medium urban centers) are denied regular access to contemporary literature, with particular emphasis on young people from secondary schools and universities. He wants to go beyond the divisions in literary circles, combine different types and genres of artistic expression, as well as perform the functions of education. The system involves blog writing scene, for selected issues, and in addition includes extensive sections fixed m.in poetry, prose and reviews. For each number is included free prose or poetry. Do
since then things have changed?
Yes, look at the new "ed" and decide for yourself.
"red-share" is the editorial blog, which also serves as the moment the representative. The right side is formed, the work on its sensitivity (guess, what is its address issues ...), so soon take over the branding. A red-shares will be what it should be, namely a place where you can find spicy szczegóły z życia redaktorów, najświeższe plotki, informacje o kulisach powstawania "RED.a". Plus: mnóstwo zaczepnych tekstów, w których jednych będziemy obrażać, a innych głaskać po ptaszkach i łechtać po łechtaczkach. Plus: zdjęcia, jak to - dajmy na to red.naczelny - pucuje podłogę w siedzibie redakcji na Towarowej 6, a reszta bezczynnie mu się przypatruje. Plus: fotki z imprez redakcyjnych i tych nieredakcyjnych. Słowem: taki nasz prywatny pudelek, plotek, kotek, chujek (?), w którym będziemy się LANSOWAĆ, bo nikt inny nas nie wylansuje. Oraz - co najważniejsze - jeden z redaktorów będzie chwalić się knowledge niefajnych jokes, right?
red-shares, makaski.